Saturday, January 05, 2008

Monty Python: Finland

Finland, Finland, Finland,

The country where I want to be,
Pony trekking or camping,
Or just watching TV.
Finland, Finland, Finland.
It's the country for me.

You're so near to Russia,
So far from Japan,
Quite a long way from Cairo,
Lots of miles from Vietnam.

You're so sadly neglected
And often ignored,
A poor second to Belgium,
When going abroad.

Finland, Finland, Finland,
The country where I quite want to be,
Your mountains so lofty,
Your treetops so tall.
Finland, Finland, Finland.
Finland has it all.

Finland has it all.


Anonymous said...

eh eh bas mi zao da na neki tvoj post bude 0 komentara .... pa da se upisem cisto da te ne potera maler :)

biljak said...

:)) e vala, da znas kaki si mi plezir ucinila, ti bi vako i cesce... :))

Inace, ovu pesmu nam Juha prezentovao sa sve pevanjem u Svedskoj, mi se zgranuli koja je frikacha! ;))

Anonymous said...

pa bas lepo, sad ti lepo nauci napamet pa kad se budes videla sa juhom ti pre nego sto mu i zdravo kazes odmah mu otpevaj!
hehehe ima vecno u zvezde da te okiva :)))))